The main motives for a serial killer are sex(whether the
act of sex may or may not take place), power, manipulation, domination and control.
These motives drive them to kill, and when they do kill they do it using the
sub-motives(see below). The motives are not justified and do not leave the killer
with anything except for his own gruesome satisfaction(which will probably have not been
fulfilled anyway, so he will kill again). The main motives may not sound like real
motives but these serial killers are starved of them throughout their life and act upon
the main motives in a murder to achieve something they've never had.
Sub Motives : These are
the sub-motives a serial killer might display(some killers display various motives).
- Visionaries - Acts in response to voices and is instructed
by these voices to perform the act of murder. These killers are usually
schizophrenic and psychotic.
- Missionaries - They think it is their responsibility to rid
society of unwanted elements.
- Hedonists - Kill because murder causes them pleasure.
- Lust Killers - Kill for sexual gratification with acts that
are usually sadistic.
- Thrill Killers - Kill because of a desire for a thrill or
- Gain Killers - Kill for personal gain. The killer
premeditates the act to require financial gain or materialistic goods. While
gain is not the main motive in a murder some serial killers have took the opportunity to
steal from their victims for their own personal gain.
- Power Seekers - Kill for the desire to have control over the
life and death of others.
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